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Be Water Wise & Bite-Free

This content was created in partnership with the Walnut Valley Water District.

Image of a mosquito emerging from stagnant water.

Water is Everywhere! 

Water is a part of our everyday life, but when water becomes stagnant in our yards, mosquitoes grow and affect everyone in our community. When water is saved and used properly, it can be a great ecological step forward for your household.

To help you create a healthy home and environmentally conscious community, we've partnered with the Walnut Valley Water District (WVWD) to help you become water wise & bite-free.


#1) Tip out stagnant water around your home (it only takes 10 minutes one day of the week)

gif of sources

#2) Toss out unused containers or store them away from water

#3) Maintain rain barrels & recieve rebates to help sustain water-efficient lifestyles

May contain: milk, beverage, drink, barrel, and rain barrel
Image of an unmaintained rain barrel that breeds mosquitoes.

#4) Maintain pools to keep the pumps and filters clean (3 billion mosquitoes can emerge from 1 unmaintained pool per month) & recieve rebates to help fight water waste

Pool with murky water
Image of an unmaintained pool that can breed 3 million mosquitoes per month.


#1) Protect yourself with repellent when outdoors & reapply as directed on the label.

person applying mosquito repellent
Applying repellent protects you from mosquito bites & mosquito-borne diseases.

#2) Make sure your repellent has 1 of these 4 active ingredients: Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus, Picaridin, DEET, or IR3535.

#3) Landscape mosquitoes out by reducing unnecessary water use & learning about California Native Plants.

May contain: human, person, outdoors, plant, flower, blossom, garden, pottery, jar, vase, and potted plant
Image of a beautifully landscaped California Native Garden.


The Walnut Valley Water District will guest star in the Be Water Wise & Bite-Free episode of the Bite Back Tour on March 17th from 11:00 AM t0 11:45 AM. Tune in to learn what it means to be in a drought, where water comes from, and how water use efficiency programs are available to them.

Learn more about the Be Water Wise & Bite-Free episode 💦


🖋 Written by Ally Gaspar, Outreach Assistant