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Request for Mosquito Control Services

A person uses a net to clean leaves and debris from a pool with algae and water plants.

If you are a property owner in the Eaton Burn Area, we need your cooperation to prevent unmaintained swimming pools and large sources of standing water from becoming mosquito sources. Please complete the Request for Mosquito Control Services form below. While the form is not required for property access, the District is collecting forms as a FEMA requirement for work conducted as part of disaster response efforts. It can be submitted electronically using the available form or through email. Property owners may also mail the form to the district office. 

SGVMVCD Request for Mosquito Control Services Form

Complete the Form Online:

*If completing the form online, you will be prompted to enter your email first. A form link will be emailed to you which can be completed on your web browser.*

English Form/Formulario en Ingles: 

Spanish Form/Formulario en Español:

Armenian Form/Հայկական ձեւ :

Chinese Form/中文形式: 

Vietnamese Form/Hình thức tiếng Việt: 

Download the  form by Clicking on the link:

[English] SGVMVCD Request for Mosquito Control Services

[Español] SGVMVCD Request for Mosquito Control Services

[Հայկական ձեւ - Armenian] Request for Mosquito Control Services

[中文形式 - Chinese] Request for Mosquito Control Services

[Hình thức tiếng Việt - Vietnamese] Request for Mosquito Control Services


Please email or mail your completed form to the following address:

Eaton Response 
San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
1145 N. Azusa Canyon Road, West Covina, CA 91790


SGVMVCD Eaton Response Area

Please use the map below to determine if your property is within our area of response: