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Short Bites Monthly

Your digest for October 2024.

A hand holding a smartphone displaying a mosquito image with text "October Update" on a orange background.
Short Bites Monthly ensures that our data as a public health agency remains transparent to the public and to people who are interested in our mission.
May contain: pickup truck, transportation, truck, vehicle, person, clothing, footwear, and shoe
We continue to provide the highest level of protection from vectors and vector-borne diseases to reduce outbreaks of human diseases in San Gabriel Valley.
A person hanging a public health notice about mosquito control on a street pole.
Image of our Customer Service Representative posting an area-wide treatment notification poster in a high disease risk area.

District Communication

Happy Halloween! This month, the District has increased mosquito traps and testing frequency to better detect mosquito-borne diseases in the San Gabriel Valley.

In October, our field staff has responded to high risk areas of disease through door-to-door inspections and treatments to reduce adult mosquito populations and eliminate areas where mosquitoes can grow. Additionally, we hosted a successful virtual town hall, which allowed us to engage with residents, answer questions live, and further educate the community on mosquito prevention and public health measures. The webinar recording is available in the ‘District Resources To Share’ section below. Outreach Overview

An infographic showing October outreach stats: Social Media (74,172 engagements), In-Person (567), Newsletter (461 readers), EcoHealth (607 students).
Image of outreach stats for the past month.

Mosquito Activity Overview

Our District’s surveillance team reports mosquito trap activity. The purpose of trapping is to monitor mosquito presence and risk of mosquito-borne disease

A line graph titled "Average Mosquitoes Per Trap" showing mosquito counts over weeks for the years 2020-2024.
Image of trap report comparing weekly average comparison from 2020-2024.

 This month’s report shows that 2024 trapping (red) is recording lower abundance numbers compared to past years. This is most likely due to lower night time temperatures that slow down mosquito life cycle growth rates.

Remember, the months around October are peak months for Aedes mosquito activity and you can expect to see Aedes mosquitoes around this time.

A map with blue markers, likely indicating locations or points of interest, around the San Gabriel Valley near Los Angeles, California.
Image of this month's mosquito activity by latitude and longitude. Bubble size indicates mosquito abundunce per trap.
May contain: animal, insect, invertebrate, and mosquito
We continue to maintain essential vector surveillance including mosquito traps for disease testing, providing weekly data to the District, and maintaining mosquito fish.
A person with headphones is using a microscope in a lab, with a smartphone, papers, and lab equipment nearby.
Image of water sample analysis in the District lab.

Mosquito Species Overview

This month, we conducted mosquito, black fly, and tick trapping throughout San Gabriel Valley. We also enhanced trapping in areas of increased mosquito presence to anticipate possible disease transmission. 

See this month’s mosquito species report below:

Pie chart showing distribution of mosquito species with Cx quinquefasciatus being the most prevalent at 71.09%.
This chart depicts the overall abundance of mosquitoes collected during the current reporting period. Species listed on the far right are sorted by total amount collected during this reporting period.
May contain: animal, insect, and invertebrate
We continue to provide excellent science education services and reduce mosquitoes in homes and schools within the San Gabriel Valley.

EcoHealth Highlights

This month, students in our V.I.P. and Operation Mosquito G.R.I.D. programs participated in analyzing water samples and submitted their findings to our lab. We’ll share their fascinating discoveries at the end of the season.

Three students in a lab with a microscope, one using a smartphone, possibly to capture the microscope's view.
Image of students analyzing their backyard water samples during a Vector Inspector Program (V.I.P.) visit.

Also, our Spring classroom programs are now open for scheduling.

The Mosquito Intelligence Academy (M.I.A.) is a K-6 NGSS-aligned boot camp, where students are empowered to take charge of their properties and halt the mosquito invasion. We also have classroom visits for middle and high school students.

District Resources to Share

Watch Our Webinar: Preventing Mosquito-Borne Diseases Together 

Get a breakdown of the most effective ways to prevent mosquitoes on your property and how to protect you and your family against mosquito bites. 

Link to Webinar 

Don't Fall for the Mosquito Trick 

Check out our Fall resource page and find out why mosquitoes thrive in your community. 

Link to Don't Fall for the Mosquito Trick

May contain: computer, electronics, laptop, and pc

Communications Department Mission Statement:

Increase transparency and credibility through multi-media dialogue in order to engage and motivate internal, local, regional, statewide, and nationwide stakeholders to take action and become public health agents of change in their communities.


🖋  Written by Ally Gaspar, Outreach Assistant