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Short Bites Monthly

Your digest for March 2024.

A hand holding a smartphone with a mosquito image on screen, with "March Update" text, against a golden background.
Short Bites Monthly ensures that our data as a public health agency remains transparent to the public and to people who are interested in our mission.
May contain: pickup truck, transportation, truck, vehicle, person, clothing, footwear, and shoe
We continue to provide the highest level of protection from vectors and vector-borne diseases to reduce outbreaks of human diseases in San Gabriel Valley.

District Communication

  • This month we have been preparing to celebrate our District’s 35th Anniversary.
  • Since 1989, we’ve been providing public health services and protecting San Gabriel Valley residents from mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases.
A person in a blue shirt is dismantling electronic equipment in an outdoor setting.
Image of Vector Control Specialist removing mosquito sources in a resident’s yard.

Outreach Overview

Infographic showing March outreach statistics: social media, in-person, newsletter, and ecohealth reach, with associated engagement and reach numbers.
Image of outreach stats for the past month.
A map featuring Pasadena, Arcadia, and surrounding cities with various labeled spots and highways in California, USA.
Map View: Image of outreach stats for the past month.

Mosquito Activity Overview

A line graph titled "Trap Data by Week and Year" showing the average mosquitoes per trap from 2020 to 2024, with peaks and troughs.
Image of trap report comparing weekly average comparison from 2020-2024.
  • Our District’s surveillance team is revamping how they report mosquito trap activity. The purpose of trapping is to monitor mosquito presence and risk of mosquito-borne disease.
  • The report shows that 2024 trapping (red) began in Spring and is recording low abundance numbers compared to years past.
  • Lower abundance numbers are partly due to dramatic changes in daily weather (from cold and rainy to mid 70 degree temperatures days within the same week) and constantly cool night temperatures that slow down mosquito life cycle groth and egg laying process.
May contain: animal, insect, invertebrate, and mosquito
We continue to maintain essential vector surveillance including mosquito traps for disease testing, providing weekly data to the District, and maintaining mosquito fish.
Two individuals conducting fieldwork in a grassy area with a net, surrounded by trees and a mountain backdrop.
Image of tick flagging by our Surveillance team.

 Mosquito Species Overview

  • This month, we resumed mosquito trapping and revamped how we report data.We’re also trapping for black flies in the foothills and ticks throughout San Gabriel Valley.
  • If you’re wondering how to protect yourself from mosquitoes, black flies, and ticks, then wearing repellent with the active ingredient DEET will cover you for all of those bites.
Pie chart showing distribution of mosquito species, with Cx quinquefasciatus dominating at 91.83%. Other species have much smaller percentages.
This chart depicts the overall abundance of mosquitoes collected during the current reporting period. Species listed on the far right are sorted by total amount collected during this reporting period.
May contain: animal, insect, and invertebrate
We continue to provide excellent science education services and reduce mosquitoes in homes and schools within the San Gabriel Valley.

EcoHealth Highlights

Two people with a cart full of boxes outside a building.
Image of our Education Specialists hauling M.I.A. program materials to an elementary school in Pomona.
  • The Mosquito Intelligence Academy (M.I.A.) is a K-6 NGSS-aligned boot camp. Students are empowered to take charge of their properties and halt the mosquito invasion.

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District Resources to Share

Two women looking at a phone, one excitedly announcing, "WE HAVE FIVE LIKES!" in a GIF.
  • As springtime grows around us, the crisp outdoors are blossoming to life-- mosquitoes included. 
  • Learn more about what we do and how we can help residents of the San Gabriel Valley.

Spring into Cleaning, Stop Mosquitoes Biting!

May contain: computer, electronics, laptop, and pc

Communications Department Mission Statement:

Increase transparency and credibility through multi-media dialogue in order to engage and motivate internal, local, regional, statewide, and nationwide stakeholders to take action and become public health agents of change in their communities.


🖋  Written by Ally Gaspar, Outreach Assistant